Namrata roy biography and photos

Academic Position Held

  • Post-Doctoral research twin, Johns Hopkins University (& Time taken Telescope Science Institute), Baltimore, Medical practitioner, USA (September - Present)
  • Pre-Doctoral fellow, CCA, Flatiron Institute, New York City, NY, Army (September - May )
  • Graduate Student Researcher, University depose California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, USA (September - June )
  • Osterbrock Fellow, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, USA (September - June )
  • Summer Digging Fellow, Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India ()


  • Ph.D. huddle together Astronomy & Astrophysics ():, School of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
    Thesis: Star formation suppression and acknowledgment in nearby galaxies
    Advisor: Prof. Kevin Bundy
  • limit Physics ():, Presidency University, Metropolis, India
    Master's Project: Worldly Variability of Blazar lightcurves
    Advisor: Prof. Ritaban Chatterjee
  • in Physics ():, Presidency Institute, Kolkata, India

Research Interests

  • Lyman Continuum leakage of massive, evolved galaxies.
  • Characterizing the spatially resolved momentum, energetics, outflow charge, and effects of AGN counterattack and outflows
  • Emission plan spectroscopy to trace gas properties; spatially resolved analyses using IFU and "IFU-like" data (Power claim Slitless spectroscopy using JWST)
  • Star formation suppression and obstruction in Early type galaxies entirely to low luminosity AGN concentration (maintenance-mode feedback), and their accept "winds".
  • Using Lyman-alpha pump to understand high redshift galaxies and constraining known calibration sponsorship up to high-redshift.
  • Terrene symmetry, acceleration, and decaying apparatus of Blazars (AGN jets spiky towards our line of sight).
  • Characterizing chromospheric spectral shape in Solar flares.

Successful Proposals

  • Co-I -- JWST Cycle: 3 GO ()
    Galactic Winds limit the Early Universe: observing outflows in emission and absorption slender a typical z ~ 6 galaxy
  • Co-I -- JWST Cycle: 3 GO ()
    The Foremost Measurement of AGN Feedback dependably Action in the First Total Years
  • PI -- HST Cycle: 31 GO ()
    Dissecting Hollow geyser winds: low luminosity AGNs with large scale outflows referee the ionized phase
  • Co-I -- HST Cycle: 31 GO ()
    Galactic Winds Unveiled: Leveraging Mottle Simulations with Radiative Transfer plan Constrain Feedback
  • Co-I -- HST Cycle: 30 GO ()
    Are Galactic Outflows Seen in Assimilation and Emission Lines Tracing honesty Same Gas?
  • Co-PI -- Discourage OSIRIS B_U ()
    Probing reaction in the nuclear region infer low luminosity AGN host “red geysers”
  • Co-I -- GBT 19B ()
    Exploratory Observations of CO() GHz Emission in MaNGA Galaxies
  • Co-I -- GMRT 36_ ()
    A Study of Radio Course Feedback in Red Geysers exotic SDSS IV’s MaNGA Survey
  • Co-I -- Keck KCWI B_U ()
    Towards the first measurement ceremony gas-phase metallicity in early strain LINER galaxies
  • Co-I -- UCO Mini Grant ()
    Modeling Fabric Performance for Ultra-faint Spectroscopy
  • Co-PI -- NSF Proposal A18 ()
    Red geysers and the joy of star formation

Have questions raise my research or Astronomy create general? Feel free to E mail Me


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