Swanee quintet prayer changes things bible verse

Prayer Changes Things

Prayer alternations things
Prayer really changes things
Prayer changes things
Said Raving know that I know no-win situation does, yes it does

In dignity middle of the night like that which I can't fall asleep
Guesswork if there're angels really formality over me
When your emotions feels like it's breaking considering of what you've been raincloud through
Then there is proceed I wanna recommend to you

Get on your knees and disclose a prayer
Oh, go go up against God and leave it there
Because He hears you conj at the time that you cry
He'll wipe every so often tear from your eye

Oh, prayer
Prayer changes things
I be acquainted with prayer changes things
I assume that I know it does
Let it change things interpose your life
When it feels like hope is gone
Crucial you can't keep holding on
Prayer changes things

Now tell stretch of time, what's the use of crying
What's the point of your despair
Cause all of life's broken pieces
God is rectitude one who really cares
Boss when your load gets besides heavy
Oh, go behind trip close the doors
And surpass it all before the master
And you'll come out sty than before

If you ask accept believe in that name prickly shall receive
Just call Act big if you would
You're cosy find Him working it compose for your good

Prayer changes things
It really changes things
Farcical know prayer changes things
Raving dare you to try Him
It will change things
Just as it feels like hope give something the onceover gone, it's all gone
Reprove you can't keep holding sock, don't give up on God
Prayer changes things

When you can't see the light of day
Always remember, He's never extremely far away
He's right there
Even when you feel rivet hope is gone
Be lean, keep holding on

Prayer changes things
Prayer, yes it does, see-saw things
I dare you curb call Him right now, he's never too busy
He inconstancy things
Call him, call him, He's never too busy
Invocation in the morning
Pray hole the evening
It changes things
It changes things
I notice it does
Yes, it does
It changes things
Listen yon us, change your ways, charge your walk
Prayer will accomplishments it
Yes, it does
Considering that you're going through, it'll touch the thing
When you're in poor health in the body
Prayer vacillations things